HR services for a community-based charity organisation

July 10, 2023

Project Summary

Vero HR is the high-level strategic HR support for a community-based charity. For 13 years, they’ve helped the HR department with staff issues, mergers and acquisitions, and legislative work.

Feedback Summary

Since Vero HR has been involved, staff satisfaction has increased. The team excels in their project management, meeting their deadlines with ease and maintaining constant communication. They stand out for their responsiveness and solution-oriented mentality. Customers can expect a great partnership.

A Clutch analyst personally interviewed this client over the phone. Below is an edited transcript.

Opportunity / Challenge—What challenge were you trying to address with Vero HR?

We were growing in size, and we wanted high-level support on HR.

Solution—what was the scope of their involvement?

Vero HR has done three key pieces of work for us; one of them is ongoing, and the other two are on a needed basis. Firstly, they give us high-level, strategic support on our internal HR department and help us with complex personnel issues. Secondly, they’ve done several mergers and acquisitions, helping us work around some of the legislation in the UK to transfer stuff from one organization to another. Finally, they help us with restructures and changes to our staff.

What is the team composition?

We’ve worked with 5–6 people from Vero HR’s team. In particular, we deal with Mike (Managing Director).

How did you come to work with Vero HR?

A third party recommended them to us. They’d been doing some local work on one of our bases. We contacted them, and we found them to be really solution-focused. Rather than telling us what we couldn’t do, they tried to find a solution to the problems we faced.

What is the status of this engagement?

We’ve had an ongoing relationship since November 2008, and it continues today.

Results & Feedback—what evidence can you share that demonstrates the impact of the engagement?

We have some quantitative metrics. For example, we measure the number of times that we’ve had an employment tribunal where a staff member has taken us to court after a process. On the other hand, we also have qualitative satisfaction metrics.

Since we started working with Vero HR, our staff satisfaction has increased. From an HR point of view, our employees are more satisfied with us, and we’ve been able to plot that over the 13 years we’ve been in contact with them.

Moreover, they give us excellent advice, and the additional expertise they provide to our team is absolutely astounding. It’s excellent value for our money.

How did Vero HR perform from a project management standpoint?

They’re wonderful with time management; we’ve never had an issue with them. They work ahead of their timeline, meet their deadlines, and often come in sooner with the work. Also, the team responds quickly to phone calls and emails, so their responsiveness is excellent.

At a staff level, we speak at least 2–3 times a month. We’re in contact with Vero HR on various topics. Additionally, I meet with Mike once every quarter as a minimum.

What did you find most impressive about them?

They don’t give us a list of problems; they try to find a workable solution that supports our staff and us. Also, they have a great sense of additionality. Sometimes the outcomes are quite complex, and they can help us plug some of those gaps. They offer other wraparound services, so we can almost go to them as a one-stop-shop, which is really helpful.

Are there any areas they could improve?

I honestly can’t think of anything.

Do you have any advice for potential customers?

First, let them get to know your business in detail, not just your HR or personnel functions. We’ve built a high level of trust throughout the years, and I think they appreciate our business. That’s been helpful to us because they have a great understanding of what we do and what we’re trying to achieve.

Secondly, go in with Vero HR because you want to start a partnership with them. While they’re excellent at one-off projects, we’ve actually benefitted more from the long-term relationship. They’ve helped us develop our HR function and kept us up to date with all the changes in legislation and guidance.

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