How to Spot Signs of Modern Slavery

August 17, 2023

Modern slavery can be described as the exploitation of people for commercial or personal gain and it is your responsibility as an employer to understand how to spot the signs of modern slavery and take steps to prevent it within your organisation.

In this series, we’ll look at modern slavery in the UK today, how to spot the signs and what you should be doing as an employer to prevent modern slavery in your operations.

Table of Contents

It is really a problem today?

The truth is sadly, yes.  It is estimated that every year around 136,000 people in the UK alone are victims of modern slavery, with fewer than 10,000 cases per year ever being recorded.

What can I do to prevent Modern Slavery?

Criminals operating in modern slavery are getting smarter, but there are key signs you can look for and due diligence tactics you should cover as a responsible employer.

Firstly, think about the employee’s documentation.

Next, scrutinise their personal data.

Finally, conduct due diligence of 3rd party labour agencies.

So, you’re happy with the identity checks, what about other signs?

Look for physical signals that may suggest they are victims of slavery.

Remember:  If it doesn’t look right, it probably isn’t.

Who can you turn to?

If you suspect someone is a victim of modern slavery or human trafficking contact one of the following;

Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) – 0800 432 0804

Crimestoppers – 0800 555 111

Modern Slavery Helpline – 08000 121700

The Police – 101 (or 999 in an emergency)

Criminals are getting more sophisticated and often victims of modern slavery are now “hidden in plain sight”.  We need to work together to ensure we look out for and report on any suspicious activity.

 Next up>>> Preparing a Modern Slavery Statement

If your company needs HR support, including preparing a modern slavery statement, Vero HR can help. We can provide you with dedicated HR support services to effectively manage your workforce and assist with your organisation’s HR requirements. Contact us to find out how we can help.

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